Single Processor vs Multi Processor System

Single processor system

  1. Most systems use single processor systems.
  2. They perform only one process at a given time, and it carries out the next process in the queue only after the current process is completed.
  3. OS monitors the status of them and also sends them next executable instruction.
  4. It relieves CPU of disk scheduling and other tasks.
  5. It is suitable for general purpose computers , as it cannot run multiple processes in parallel.

Multi Processor System

  1. Also known as parallel or tightly coupled systems as they can run multiple process in parallel to each other efficiently.
  2. Two or more processors will be in close communication with each other with shared memory, storage and power supply.
In these days rather than using multi processor systems, people tend to buy single processor with multiple cores. This can be more efficient as internal on-chip communication is faster than communication between different processors.
Multi-core processors also use less power than that of multiple single core processors.


Increased throughput

As there are a number of processors, more work can be done in less time. These multiple processors run parallel to each other increasing the performance of the system.

Reliability and failure-free

Failure of any processor will not affect the functionality of the system, as there are a number of processors. We can expect failure free service from multi-processor system.

Economy of scale

Multi Processor Systems cost less than a number of individual single processor system. In the case of multi processor system expenditure for system cabinet, memory power supply, accessories are saved as these systems share resources like power supply, memory and also space.

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